A New Approach for Designing Steam Splitters and Inflow Control Devices in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage
Mohammad Kyanpour
Supervisor: Zhangxing Chen
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The classical use of SAGD involves drilling wells in parallel horizontal pairs. Steam is injected into the upper well to heat the reservoir and mobilize bitumen so that it drains to the lower well and can be lifted to the surface. In this process, steam distribution in the injector and a sustainable liquid level above the producer are keys to achieve steam chamber conformance. The completion designs of these wells are critical in order to achieve optimal bitumen recovery and steam chamber development.
Two common tools in SAGD wellbore completions are steam splitters and inflow control devices. The steam splitters are used to customize steam distribution in the injector. The inflow control devices are used in the producer to develop a uniform inflow along the horizontal wellbore.
This paper presents a method for determining the size and position of steam splitters and inflow control devices. This method can be used for both simple and complex reservoirs containing heterogeneous geology and hydraulic barriers and baffles.