Dr. Chen has been awarded the 2017 CAIMS-Fields Industrial Mathematics Prize!


According to the announcement of The Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society and the Fields Institute, Dr. Chen has been awarded the 2017 CAIMS-Fields Industrial Mathematics Prize for his seminal contributions to industrial and applied mathematics, computational science, and modelling of flow in porous media. Throughout his career, Dr. Chen has led many collaborative projects […]


Major Breakthroughs in Research of Fluid Storage and Transport in Nanoporous Materials


The Reservoir Simulation Group has made major breakthroughs in research of fluid storage and flow in nanoporous materials. These breakthroughs have been recently published in the top journals PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science), Nature (Scientific Reports) and AIChE Journal (American Institute of Chemical Engineering): http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2017/03/08/1612608114.full?sid=b22ac86f-8206-42d4-9ffe-c164eca9b9e8 http://www.nature.com/articles/srep33461 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1547-5905/homepage/MostCited.html#cited15 (This paper is a top […]


Save the date: Technical Symposium 2017


The 9th Annual Reservoir Simulation Technical Symposium will take place June 15th – 16th 2017 on downtown campus. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.  The tentative agenda will be provided later.


Dr. Chen earns prestigious NSERC award for impacts of industry partnership


Great news! Dr. Chen has received a very prestigious Canadian award which was announced on February 7th, 2017. Dr. Chen and our supporters including President of University of Calgary  Elizabeth Cannon, VP of  University of Calgary Ed McCauley,  Dean of Schulich School of Engineering Bill Rosehard and some people from our industry sponsors  spent the whole day on the […]


Mohsen Keshavarz has won the 1st place in the SPE Student Presentation Contest !


During the SPE Student Presentation Contest held in conjunction with the 2016 SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference, our Ph.D. student MOHSEN KESHAVARZ’s presentation was selected as the 1st place winner by the panel of judges ! The title of his talk was “On The Struggle of Bitumen to Flow” in which he was discussing the challenges that […]


An interesting talk given by Professor Jichun Li


An interesting talk was given by Professor Jichun Li in CCIT 209  at 4:00pm-5:00pm, January 22, 2016. Prof. Li is from University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA. The title of the talk is Mathematical analysis and time-domain finite element modeling of invisibility cloaks with metamaterials. The abstract is as follows:  In the June 23, 2006’s issue […]


Eight papers have been accepted by the prestigious SPE EUROPEC/EAGE, 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition!


Good news! Our eight (8) papers have been accepted by the prestigious SPE EUROPEC/EAGE,  78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition: S. Yang, Z. Chen and W. Wu, Effects of Pore Confinement and Geomechanics on Carbon Dioxide EOR in Naturally Fractured Tight Oil Reservoirs, Paper SPE-180076-MS, SPE EUROPEC/EAGE, 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 30-June […]


Christopher Iyogun has been awarded Scholarship!


Our PhD student, Christopher Iyogun, has been awarded have been awarded the scholarship(s) listed below through the Bursary competition: FirstEnergy Graduate Bursary in Engineering Studies in Energy in the amount of $10000 effective September 1, 2015 Congratulations!