
Zhangxing (John) Chen has over 35 years of oil and gas research and university appointments, from around the globe. He graduated with a PhD degree from Purdue University, USA in 1991. He was recruited to the University of Calgary with the intention to advance the understanding of the Canadian oil and gas reservoirs and expand the potential for improved recovery of our unconventional resources through computer modelling and simulation.

He currently holds two prestigious chairs:

NSERC/AI-EES/Foundation CMG Chair in Reservoir Simulation
Alberta Innovates Technology Futures iCore Chair in Reservoir Simulation

Dr. Chen holds professorships and guest professorships at over a dozen universities worldwide, and has organized and chaired over 32 awards and recognitions thus far in his career, over $38M in total funding over 6 years, up to 2014 he as trained 21 Post doctoral fellows, 27 PhDs, 36 MSc and 1 undergraduate. He is a well sought out presenter and has made more than300 presentations around the world.

He teaches at the University of Calgary and is regularly consulted for oil and gas recovery challenges by industry – including our own partners, over the years:

Shell Canada, Brion Energy, ConocoPhillips, StatoilHydro, Laricina, IBM and IBM Centres of Excellence, Computer Modelling Group Ltd, Devon Energy, Foundation CMG, Husky Energy, CNOOC Nexen, Statoil, Suncor in Canada, China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) and Chinese National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC), KEURI Group (KR) in China, the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) in Iran, Korean Oil and Gas (KOGAS) in Korea, Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) in Mexico, ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips in the USA, and Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) in Venezuela.

Dr. Chen has travelled extensively to many countries with the intent to develop and promote international education and research programs in the field of energy development and environmental protection. In particular, he has done significant work in China, Iran, Mexico, USA, and Venezuela.

Over time, Dr. Chen’s work has significantly contributed to the diversification and growth of these countries’ economy and quality of life through the technologies and jobs created.

Dr. Chen has been the recipient of numerous awards since joining the UofC in 2007, including:

  • Outstanding Leadership in Alberta Technology, Alberta Science and Technology (ASTech) Foundation, 2012.
  • The Graduate Educator Award of Excellence, University of Calgary, 2012.
  • IBM Faculty Award, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA, 2012.
  • Overall Research Excellence Award, SSE, University of Calgary, 2009.
  • The 2009 SSE’s Department Research Award, University of Calgary, 2009.
  • Zi Qiang Professorship Award by Shanghai University, China 2009
Dr. Zhangxing (John) Chen
Email: zhachen@ucalgary.ca
Office: CCIT 210
Office Phone: 403-220-7825