Recent Development of a New Thermal Simulator: Fast Advanced Thermal Simulator (FATS)
Chao C. Dong
Supervisor: Dr. John Chen
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The motivation of Dong’ s research is to develop a basic thermal simulator with stable, accurate, robust, fast and parallel features, which can be friendly used for research and basic industrial tasks. The developed Fast Advanced Thermal Simulator (FATS) is also designed to have the flexibilities of fully coupled with wellbore models, handing unstructured grids, possessing different system solvers and pre-conditioners, supporting parallel CPU and GPU facilities, coupled with geo-mechanical modules and coupled with kinetics modules.
Current capabilities of FATS include: 3D, 3 fluid phases, 1 solid phase and multi-components; capable of testing SAGD, CSS, ISC and Multi-segment wells. The future development of FATS is also demonstrated, including Parallel FATS, Geo-mechanical modules, wellbore model improvement, kinetics improvement and more interesting and calibrations. Finally, three test cases of SSW-reservoir model validation case, Heterogeneous SSW-reservoir case and MSW-reservoir fully coupled case are performed.