One Dimensional Matrix-Fracture Transfer in Dual Porosity Systems with Variable Block Size Distribution
Ehsan Ranjbar, Hassan Hassanzadeh and Zhangxing Chen
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Most of the developed models for fractured reservoirs assume ideal matrix block size distribution. This assumption may not be valid in reality for naturally fractured reservoirs and possibly lead to errors in prediction of production from the naturally fractured reservoirs especially during a transient period or early time production from the matrix blocks. In this study, we investigate the effect of variable block size distribution on one dimensional flow of compressible fluids in fractured reservoirs. The effect of different matrix block size distributions on the single phase matrix-fracture transfer is studied using a recently developed semi-analytical approach. The proposed model is able to simulate fluid exchange between matrix and fracture for continuous or discrete block size distributions using probability density functions or structural information of a fractured formation. The presented semi-analytical model demonstrates a good accuracy compared to the numerical results. There have been recent attempts to consider the effect of variable block size distribution in naturally fractured reservoir modeling for slightly compressible fluids with a constant viscosity and compressibility. The main objective of this study is to consider the effect of variable block size distribution on a one dimensional matrix-fracture transfer function for single phase flow of a compressible fluid in fractured porous media. In the proposed semi- analytical model the pressure variability of viscosity and isothermal compressibility is considered by solving the nonlinear partial differential equation of compressible fluid flow in the fractured media. The closed form solution provided can be applied to flow of compressible fluids with variable matrix block size distribution in naturally fractured gas reservoirs.