Case Study of Well Pad in Long Lake_Integrated with Geological Modeling, Reservoir Simulation and History Match
Jinze Xu (Master of Science)
Supervisor: Zhangxing John Chen
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Long Lake consists of 20,000 ha and is located 40 km southeast of Fort
McMurray. Pad 1 was selected for a simulation. Formation in the model is classified as Clearwater, Wabbaca, McMurray and Beaverhill. Main oil layer of Long Lake is located in the Middle and Lower part of McMurray. We selected the point of the reservoir top for each observation well and connect them as the top of the Model Top.
The following conclusions were formulated: connate water saturation plays an important role in history match. It is necessary to divide sectors according to the petrophysical properties. With larger Kv / Kh, we could get larger oil production. Pressure decline depends on the pattern maturity while wells shut in during SAGD development. For low steam rate, decreasing injection pressure is recommended in further development for Pad 1.