An Investigation on Asphaltene Related Mechanisms and Challenges in the Formation

Vahid Hematfar
Supervisor: Dr. Zhangxing Chen
vahid hematfar


The research on asphaltene related mechanisms of the asphaltene precipitation, adsorption and COBS interactions in the formation is presented. A model is developed for simulation of asphaltene deposition during core flooding and is validated by the obtained experimental data in laboratory. Optimization by genetic algorithm shows that all three major mechanisms (surface deposition, entrainment and pore throat plugging) are effective and their related parameters are determined. Asphaltene adsorption may cause variation in IFT and wettability of the system that lead to change in capillary pressure, relative permeability, endpoint saturation, dispersion and displacement performance. Further research is necessary to understand the mechanisms associated with asphaltene adsorption and wettability alternation.