An Integrated Thermal Multi-component Reservoir-Wellbore Model
Chao C. Dong
Supervisor: Dr. John Chen
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The purpose of this research is to establish a basic simulator with research flexibility, including the coupling with wellbore models: experiments with different solvers: unstructured grids; supporting future parallel facilities. Basic reservoir simulators with sink/source wells and simple multi-segment wells have been developed completed, but more work needs to be done.
Fully, advancing and iterative coupling are used in the simulation. Fully coupling solves reservoir/wellbore equations simultaneously. Iterative coupling solves reservoir/ wellbore until both systems converge. Advancing coupling solves wellbore equations at the beginning of each time step and the properties while solving reservoir equations. Four cases are simulated to test the developed model with the CMG software, and good matching can be observed based on the simulation results.